Industrial metallic sequence (for SQ-1)

By enkhelyawon | tagged with: Industrial, Noise, Sq-1, Sequence, Metallic

Play with KORG SQ-1 in middle tempo ( mode; all steps ON). Signal out here stands for sequencer patchcables. Connections are the following: VCO 1+2 CV IN => CV-B OUT; TRIG IN => CV A GATE OUT; CONTROL IN PUT => CV-A OUT. Vary the sound by putting out the cable from VCO 2 CV IN (periodically), change HPF and LPF peaks and the filters' values as well; frequency modulation should start from 0 but shouldn't exceed 5 or somewhat.. Change PW and, by an option, the octaves (however, this config gives the most "metallic" sound, as for me)