Untitled patch

By Masaya | tagged with: External Signal Process, Chunky, Distortion

All the knobs are free to adjust, patches are discussed below. Keyboard for MS-20 Mini won't do anything, it will be triggered by your external source, I used Yamaha Reface XD. If you create something with this, please share with me at armfarm000@gmail.com "External Signal Processor AMP out" to "EXT. Signal In" 100% essential. Self explanatory The ESP's "ENV Out" to "Initial Gain" essential as well. In the patch EV2 are all set to 0 but you should adjust and see what works for you. "Trig Out" of the ESP into the "Trig In" of KBD is optional, allows your to use EG1 on your external signal. ESP's CV out to VCO 1+2 CV In is recommended, very noisy without. Or don't use it, up to you. Patch around Sample and Hold is entirely optional. I like pink noise as the sample and square wave modulation generator as the clock but it's up to you. Have it or don't. The KBD CV out patch is optional as well. I prefer it in the Voltage Control LP Filter but it works in the VC HP Filter as well.