Multi Function Moog

By GiveUsOurSynths | tagged with: Moog, Bass, Lead, Taurus, Funk

NOTE 1: The (orange) patch cable going from the External Signal Processor pre-band pass filter out to the KBD Trig In is intended to be used for a key hold function and should be left unplugged from KBD Trig In during normal use, it may remain plugged into the other side however. NOTE 2: The (green) patch cable running from the button TRIG OUT to EG1 TRIG IN is used to switch the filter to stay stay open, and allow the button to close it when desired. The cable should be left unplugged from EG1 TRIG IN during normal use, it may remain plugged into the other side however. This is a fairly complex patch that gives you a wonderfully funky and moog-y bass patch in its default setting, the mod wheel controls vibrato amount, and there are two patch cables (mentioned above) that are normally left unplugged from their destinations but are used for performance elements. There are hidden features in this patch that you may find useful, enjoy!