Bass - Tuned Resonant Square

By Phin | tagged with: Fat, Bass, Wobble

A nice simple but very fat bass patch using both square wave oscillators, with VCO 2 detuned a hair to cause phasing/pulsing. Both filters have their self oscillation tuned to the VCO pitch and to track the keyboard. Play around with CUTOFF FREQ and filter EXT to tune resonance and key tracking (a bit fiddly to get spot on, but I find it helpful to turn up one PEAK at a time with VCO levels at 0, then turn up VCO 1 to compare tuning). I like using the Rev 2 filter with this patch for a nice creamy bass. PW, LPF PEAK, and VCO 2 Detuning offer nice subtle variances. Turn up the LPF cutoff frequency modulation, and play with the MG frequency for some great wobble bass sounds..... Wub Wub!