Simulrec (ish)

By ADSRelease | tagged with: Daniel Avery

I'm not 100% sure Daniel Avery used an MS-20 for this sound, but he has one, and it just so happens that it sounds damned close if not identical. It's maybe bit more rubbery in the song, so maybe it's just an SH-101. Anyway, it's based on the bass from at 1:35; and the notes go G2-A2-A1, G2-A2-A1, G2-E2, G2-E2, loop. The only real things tweaked are VCO 1 LEVEL set to 10, VCO 2 LEVEL set to 0, VCLPF CUTOFF FREQUENCY set to just above 4, VCLPF PEAK set to 8, EG2 ATTACK set to 0, EG2 DECAY set to 3, EG2 SUSTAIN set to 5, and EG2 RELEASE set to 4. (The envelope and cutoff can achieve the same sound with other settings, but it's dependent on where your sustain level is.)